Vegan Kimchi Turnip Cakes 純素泡菜蘿蔔糕

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Turnip cake (蘿蔔糕 Lo Bak Go) is another gluten-free Cantonese savory dish that you can find in dim sum houses or local breakfast shops. Eating turnip cakes with your family is also a tradition in Lunar New Year. Just in case you’re searching for a grandma recipe, this vegan version is not the traditional one but tastes better than what you can get in the restaurants!


I will not say turnip cake is my favorite dim sum. One reason is that most of the time I wasn’t always served what I want in the restaurants. Most restaurant versions were with very few filling ingredients that I could barely see. It was like eating a piece of steamed cake made with rice flour. Another reason is, I like dim sum so much that I can’t even decide which one is my favorite! Anyhow, I’m saying that I’ve prepared a lot of filling for my homemade version!

我不會說蘿蔔糕是我最喜歡的點心。其中一個原因是我在餐廳或酒樓吃到的都不是我想要的。它們大部分的餡料都很少,好像在吃一塊蒸米糕一樣;另外一個原因是我太喜歡吃點心,所以不知道哪一樣才是我最喜歡的! 不管怎樣,我只是想說我會放超多餡料在我自家製的蘿蔔糕裡面!

Texture of the turnip cakes
Everyone prefers different texture of turnip cakes. Most versions I had in Hong Kong are a bit chewy in texture and I like it. For homemade version, the texture depends on the below two elements:

1. Way to prepare turnips

I like the radishes being visible on the cake and when I eat it, I can taste the radishes. To do these, I prepared radishes in two different ways – chopped half of them into strips and grated another half.

2. Flours

My family and I like turnip cakes that are not too chewy but not too tender, so I’ve added a little tapioca flour into the recipe. If you prefer the cakes more tender, just reduce the amount of tapioca flour and substitute with more white rice flour.



1. 準備白蘿蔔的方式
我自己喜歡蘿蔔糕上有看得見的白蘿蔔,而且在吃的時候能吃到白蘿蔔。所以我會用兩種方法預備白蘿蔔 – 一半切粗條,另外一半磨細絲。

2. 粉類的使用

How to make great vegan turnip cakes?

The use of mushrooms is the key. Instead of the fresh ones, dried shiitake mushrooms are always used in making turnip cakes. The dried ones must be soaked for at least 6 hours beforehand and ‘mushroom water’ can be saved for the batter. It’ll make the cake more fragrant.

Apart from shiitake mushrooms, I’ve also chosen fresh white button mushrooms for this recipe. I love the aroma of white button mushrooms, which can absolutely take over the place of dried shrimp in traditional turnip cakes! Different mushrooms have different taste and fragrance, so feel free to add more types to tailor-make your own turnip cakes.




To serve

People usually serve turnip cakes with chili sauce/oil, or simply dip in soy sauce. There’re actually some more sauces to choose from that I believe they’re more ‘Hong Kong-style’.

Hoisin sauce is my favorite dipping sauce. It’s thick, sweet and salty making it great for cutting through the richness.

This may sound weird but serving turnip cakes with peanut sauce is a thing! It’s always used in Chinese flour dishes like Steamed Rice Noodle Rolls (Chee Cheong Fun) and Cold Green-bean Noodles.



甜醬 (海鮮醬) 是我最喜歡的蘸醬。它濃稠的質地,加上甜中帶鹹的味道,非常解膩!

以下這個醬料對部分人來講可能有點怪怪的,但蘿蔔糕蘸花生醬(中式)是真有其事的! 花生醬常常會作為中式粉類菜式的佐料,譬如是豬腸粉和涼拌粉皮。



Even it’s homemade, you can still make this turnip cake ahead of time, like most families do. Store the steamed turnip cakes in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Sliced them for pan-frying or reheating when you want.





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Vegan Kimchi Turnip Cake 純素泡菜蘿蔔糕

Turnip cake (蘿蔔糕 Lo Bak Go) is another gluten-free Cantonese savory dish that you can find in dim sum houses or local breakfast shops. Eating turnip cakes with your family is also a tradition in Lunar New Year. Just in case you’re searching for a grandma recipe, this vegan version is not the traditional one but tastes better than what you can get in the restaurants!
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 25 minutes
Course Breakfast, Main Course, Snack
Cuisine Cantonese, Hong Kong
Servings 2 persons


  • Bamboo steamer
  • Pan or cake pan (4" x 7" x 1.5")


For filling

  • 300 grams radishes/daikons (200 grams after peeled) 白蘿蔔 chop into strips & shredded/grated 切粗條 & 磨絲/磨細絲
  • 200 grams water 清水
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil 煮食油
  • 2-3 dried shiitake mushrooms 乾冬菇 soaked at least 6 hours & finely chopped 浸泡至少 & 切粒
  • 1/2 onion 洋蔥 finely chopped 切粒 – 120 grams
  • 2-3 fresh white button mushrooms 新鮮白磨菇 finely chopped 切粒
  • 1 large carrot 甘筍 grated 磨細絲 – 80 grams
  • 100 grams Kimchi 泡菜 cut into small pieces 剪成小塊
  • 2 teaspoons rice wine 米酒/紹興酒
  • 1/2 tablespoon vegan & gluten-free oyster sauce 純素無麩'蠔'油
  • 1 tablespoon tamari 無麩豉油
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 海鹽
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper 白胡椒粉

For batter

  • 113 grams white rice flour 粘米粉 2/3 cup + 2 teaspoons
  • 12 grams tapioca flour 木薯粉 1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons
  • 115 grams 'mushroom water' or water 冬菇水或清水 1/2 cup
  • 3/4 teaspoon sea salt 海鹽
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper 白胡椒粉


  • Shred/grate half of the radish and squeeze radishes over a bowl to remove excess moisture. Chop another half into strips.
  • In a frying-pan heat 1/2 tablespoon oil over medium-high heat, fry shiitake mushrooms until golden brown, then add white button mushrooms to fry until they start to soften, add rice wine to stir-fry for about 30 seconds more. Transfer the mushrooms into a small bowl and set aside.
  • In the same pan heat 1/2 tablespoon more oil, fry onions until fragrant, then add carrots to fry until soft. Add Kimchi and mushrooms to give them a quick stir, then stir in oyster sauce, tamari, salt and ground white pepper. Taste and add more seasonings if necessary. The taste should be a bit more robust than normal as they should add flavors to the batter. Transfer the filling into a dish or bowl.
  • Grease a 4 inch x 7 inch x 1.5 inch rectangular pan with oil.
    將模具抹油,尺寸約為4寸 x 7寸 x 1.5寸的長方形模。
  • In a medium mixing bowl whisk together white rice flour and tapioca flour, then add mushroom water/water, salt and ground white pepper to mix until no lumps. The batter should be thick like muffin batter.
    在一個中等大小的攪拌碗中將粘米粉和木薯粉拌勻,然後加入冬菇水/水、鹽和白胡椒粉,攪拌直至沒有粉粒。此時麵糊應該像製作鬆餅 (瑪芬) 的麵糊一般的質地。
  • Clean the frying pan. Add radishes and water to cook over medium-high heat, until the radishes become soft and translucent. There should be some water left as radishes will produce liquid after cooking. The liquid will be used for the batter.
  • Transfer the radishes and liquid immediately into the mixing bowl with batter while still hot. Stir them to combine, then fold in filling until evenly distributed.
  • Steam with a pot: use a pot that can fit your pan for steaming. Bring plenty of water to a boil. Pour batter into a greased pan. Put the pan inside a bamboo steamer and put the pot lid on, or if you do not have a bamboo steamer, just simply cover the pot lid with cloth to prevent water running onto the batter. Steam it for 40 minutes over medium-high heat.
    Steam with a steam oven: preheat the oven to 110°C (230°F). Pour batter into a greased pan. Put a lid covered with cloth over the pan. Steam it for 40 minutes over 110°C with steam mode.
    Insert a toothpick in the centre of the cake to see if it comes out clean to check the doneness.
    用鍋蒸: 使用能放入你的模具的鍋,並在鍋中煲適量的水。將粉漿倒入已抹好油的模具中。將模具放在竹蒸籠中,然後將竹蒸籠放到鍋中,再蓋上鍋蓋;如果沒有竹蒸籠,則可用布包住鍋蓋,以防止水流到麵糊上。用中火蒸40分鐘。
    用蒸焗爐蒸: 將焗爐預熱至110°C(230°F)。將麵糊倒入已抹好油的模具中。將用布包好的鍋蓋放在模具上,用蒸汽模式蒸40分鐘。
  • Remove the mold from the heat and let cool for about 30 minutes to set. Loosen the sides with a spatula and put it upside down onto a cutting board. Slice the turnip cake into ½ to 1-inch pieces.
  • In a frying pan heat a tablespoon of oil over medium-high heat, pan-fry the turnip cake slices until both sides are golden brown and crispy. Serve with chilli sauce/oil, tamari, hoisin sauce or peanut sauce as you like!
    在平底鍋中,用中火加熱一湯匙油,將蘿蔔糕片煎至兩面香脆呈金黃色。按你的喜好配上辣椒醬/油、豉油、甜醬 (海鮮醬) 或花生醬!
Keyword Breakfast, Gluten-free, Savory, Snack, Vegan, 無麩質, 純素