About me

Hi there! I’m Lokyi, the recipe creator behind Lokyi’s Food Studio. I develop allergy friendly, mix with low-carb and vegan recipes and hope to help you find your own balanced and healthy diet, regardless of the diet trends. Hong Kong-style food is my favorite and I love Japanese food as well, so you will find many asian-inspired recipes here. When I knew that I have gluten intolerance, I thought I had to give up all the food that I love. Life is full of serendipitous surprises. As I spent a lot of time in the kitchen preparing ‘free-from’ food for myself, I then found my enthusiasm for cooking as well as food photography. And created Lokyi’s Food Studio.

Not sure where to start, maybe I’ll begin with my background, which is a bit boring I guess. I was born in Hong Kong and have not been living in other places, but if I got a chance, I would love to explore more about the world and other cultures. Apart from eating, I am also a fitness and yoga lover. When my friends text me and ask me what I am doing, 64.6% I would say ‘testing recipes’ and another 36.4% ‘doing workouts’. 


Food is my life. It took me quite some time to maintain a good relationship with food, as copying others’ diet just did not work for me. I love veggies and I include as many veggies as I can in my daily meals. That’s why I wanted to go vegan and tried to eat vegan for a while. Unfortunately, soon then my body has some ‘complaints’ about that and my doctor advised me not to follow a complete vegan diet. OK then, I changed my diet to plant-based but not vegan, so you’ll find some non-vegan recipes as well here!

My body was not satisfied with the way I fed it as well as the way I lived (can’t call it a lifestyle). In 2020, I started having all kinds of health issues that you can find on google when you search ‘gluten intolerance’. Good news is, I can get rid of those health problems by eliminating gluten from my diet; Bad news is, I have to stop eating gluten… I was so frustrated at the beginning, as I’m a HUGE bread, cake and dumpling lover!

I did not study at a culinary school and my degree is not food or health-related (well I studied Arts at Uni). I need to figure out a way to save my foodie life, so I keep doing ‘experiments’ at home (thanks to the pandemic too). Of course, there were countless times of failure, but when I got that right, I got that right! I’m not going to leave my loves – breads, muffins, dumplings, steamed buns!  


I created Lokyi’s Food Studio, which you’re looking at in early 2021, to share all my gluten-free and balanced recipes with all of you. Many of them are low-carb, vegan/vegetarian and dairy-free! A foodie would love every foodie in the world to enjoy all good food, despite the diet restrictions. 

If you’re interested in the way I cook and bake, please follow me on Instagram to stay updated. If you give any of my recipes a try, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram or drop me a DM. I love getting feedback from you! For collaboration, feel free to send me an email to lokyisfoodstudio@gmail.com. 

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and hope you enjoy my recipes!