Hong Kong-style Vegan Chow Fun 港式乾炒河粉

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Vegan Chow Fun
Adding chilli sauce is the best way to serve!

This delicious stir-fried Ho Fun (flat rice noodles) features pan-fried tofu and beech mushrooms. A vegan twist tastes even better than the ordinary version with beef! It’s even more valuable when it takes only less than 30 minutes to make and the whole family is sure to love.

這道超好吃的乾炒河粉用了香煎豆腐和鴻喜菇,這個純素版本好像比原版本乾炒牛河更加好吃! 最難得的是這道菜不需30分鐘便可以完成,而且全家上下都一定喜歡!

Vegan Chow Fun

When I’m looking for a quick and simple meal, I always choose a stir-fried dish. This is one of my go-to recipes after a day of hard work. Sometimes I’d even add some leftover items from my refrigerator to make the stir-fry more balanced and colorful, like bell pepper, carrots and some green veggies.


Chow Fun

Just like the ordinary version in Cha Chaan Teng (Hong Kong-style restaurants), I didn’t add green veggies to the dish, as we seldom add those to stir-fried dishes (unhealthy huh?). We do make vegetables stir-fry on their own though. If you want to make a one-pan balanced meal, you could of course add some veggies of your choice.

跟茶餐廳的乾炒牛河一樣,我沒有在這道乾炒河粉中加入綠色蔬菜,其他港式的炒粉麵飯也很少這樣做 (在茶餐廳想健康要額外點一碟油菜),在家煮的話也會單獨炒一碟菜。所以如果想「一鍋過」,你可以隨便加入自己喜歡的蔬菜。

Gluten-free noodles
Ho Fun noodles are naturally gluten-free

Ho Fun noodles (flat rice noodles) are one of the naturally gluten-free Hong Kong-style noodles. They’re made with white rice flour and water. I tend to use fresh Ho Fun noodles, which were bought from the wet market. They’re softer and more elastic, however coated with oil to prevent them from sticking together, and can only be kept for up to two days. If you can’t get the fresh ones, you can try finding the dried ones in the supermarket or Asian groceries (I used the dried ones in the video). The dried ones are a bit chewier even after cooked, but with less oil and can be kept much longer.

河粉是其中一種天然無麩質的港式麵類,是用大米粉和水製成的。我喜歡用在街市買的新鮮河粉。它們比較柔軟有彈性,但由於要防止它們黏在一起,麵上需塗上一層油。而且新鮮河粉也只能保存最多兩天。如果買不到新鮮的,你可以嘗試到超級市場市或賣亞洲食品的雜貨店中找乾的包裝那種 (影片中就是用乾的那種)。乾的煮完後還是比較硬一點和韌一點,但是沒有額外加油,可以保存的時間也很久。

30-minute Hong Kong-style stir-fried Ho Fun 港式乾炒河粉

This delicious stir-fried Ho Fun features pan-fried tofu and beech mushrooms. A vegan twist tastes even better than the ordinary version with beef in Cha Chaan Teng (Hong Kong-style restaurants). It’s even more valuable when it takes only less than 30 minutes to make and the whole family is sure to love.
這道超好吃的乾炒河粉用了香煎豆腐和鴻喜菇,這個純素版本好像比原茶餐廳版本的乾炒牛河更加好吃! 最難得的是這道菜不需30分鐘便可以完成,而且全家上下都一定喜歡!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Hong Kong
Servings 2


  • 500 grams fresh Ho Fun noodles 新鮮河粉 OR 1 pack (250g) dried Ho Fun noodles 乾河粉
  • 1 block extra firm tofu 板豆腐 (345g) drained and cut into strips 瀝乾並切成條狀
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 海鹽
  • 136 grams beech mushrooms 鴻喜菇 stems removed 去蒂 – 2 cup
  • 1/2 onion 洋蔥 sliced 切條
  • 2 scallions 青蔥 thinly sliced 切絲
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons cooking oil 煮食油
  • 1 tablespoon rice wine 紹興酒
  • 1/8 teaspoon sea salt 海鹽
  • 1 tablespoon tamari 無麩豉油
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons gluten-free dark soy sauce 無麩老抽
  • 1 teaspoon organic cane sugar 有機蔗糖
  • chili sauce 辣椒醬 for serving 上菜用
  • white sesame 白芝麻 for serving 上菜用


  • Cook Ho Fun noodles according to the package instructions (skip this step if using fresh noodles).
    按照包裝說明煮熟河粉 (如使用鮮河粉,請跳過此步驟)。
  • Add sea salt to the tofu strips and spread evenly. In a frying pan heat 1/2 tablespoon oil over medium-high heat, pan-fry tofu strips until all sides are golden brown. Set aside.
  • In the same pan fry white button mushrooms until fragrant, then add rice wine and season with sea salt, and continue to fry until mushrooms start to soften. Transfer them to a small bowl and set aside. Heat 1 more tablespoon of oil and fry onions until fragrant, then add cooked/fresh Ho Fun noodles to stir-fry gently using chopsticks for about a minute. Stir in tamari, half of the dark soy sauce & cane sugar, and keep stirring and lifting the noodles until combined. Add mushrooms and tofu strips back, and add scallions to fry for a min more. Stir in the remaining dark soy sauce if the noodles are not your preferred color yet. Enjoy!
Keyword dinner, easy, Gluten-free, lunch, noodles, stir-fry, Vegan, 午餐, 晚餐, 炒麵, 無麩質, 簡易, 純素, 麵