
strawberry cream tart

It only needs 6 ingredients! This keto and vegan-friendly strawberry cream tart is so simple and nutritious, no need to mention it is gluten-free and sugar-free. The baked tart crust is nutty while the filling is creamy. You can enjoy it along with the fruity and sweet strawberry aroma as well!

這個食譜只需要6種材料! 這個生酮素食士多啤梨撻非常容易製作且充滿營養,更不用說它亦不含麩質和無添加糖分。焗過的撻皮有很香的堅果味,忌廉餡料很濃厚幼滑,邊吃還邊聞到很甜甜的士多啤梨果香!

strawberry cream tart
Strawberry cream tart


  • 適合執行生酮飲食人士
  • 無麩質
  • Vegan (dairy-free, egg-free)
  • 無糖
  • Nutritious & healthy
  • Nutty
  • Creamy
  • Easy to make


  • 適合生酮飲食
  • 無麩質
  • 純素 (無蛋奶)
  • 無糖
  • 健康有營養
  • 充滿堅果香
  • 濃厚幼滑
  • 製作簡單
keto vegan dessert


  • Walnuts were chosen as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids among plant food, and they are the only tree nut with omega-3 fatty acids! Even so, you may still substitute with other nuts like almonds.
  • Coconut cream may condense while blending with other ingredients, due to the low temperature. Heat everything in a pot over low heat after blending to melt and let cool before pouring into the tart crust.


  • 選擇核桃是因為它們是富含omega-3脂肪酸的素食食物,而且它們是唯一含有omega-3脂肪酸的堅果!不過你也可以用杏仁等其他堅果代替。
  • 椰子忌廉可能會因為室溫太低而在與其他成分混合時可能會凝結,出現不幼滑的狀態。如出現此狀況可將它們倒入小鍋中以小火加熱,令忌廉融化。待其冷卻後倒入撻皮中。

This tart can be kept in the refrigeration for up to 7 days. It can be your afternoon dessert for a week!



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6-ingredient Keto Vegan Strawberry Cream Tart 生酮素食士多啤梨忌廉撻

It only needs 6 ingredients! This keto and vegan-friendly strawberry cream tart is so simple and nutritious, no need to mention it is also gluten-free and sugar-free. The baked tart crust is nutty whereas the filling is creamy. You can enjoy it along with the fruity and sweet strawberry aroma as well!
這個食譜只需要6種材料! 這個生酮素食士多啤梨撻非常容易製作且充滿營養,更不用說它亦不含麩質和糖分。焗過的撻皮有很香的堅果味,忌廉餡料很濃厚幼滑,邊吃還邊聞到很甜甜的士多啤梨果香!
準備時間 15 minutes
烹調時間 20 minutes
總時間 4 hours 35 minutes
菜品 甜品
菜式 美式
份量 8
卡路里 379 大卡


  • Tart Pan 撻模


For tart crust 撻皮製作

  • 173 walnuts 核桃*Note註 unsalted 無鹽 – 1 1/2 cup
  • 50 cashews 腰果 unsalted 無鹽- 1/3 cup
  • 1 flax egg 亞麻籽素蛋 (2 tablespoons ground flaxseed meal 亞麻籽粉+1/4 cup water 水)
  • 1 湯匙 erythritol 赤蘚糖醇
  • 2 1/2 湯匙 coconut oil 椰子油 melted 融化狀

For cream filling 忌廉餡料製作

  • 152 fresh strawberries 新鮮士多啤梨 cored & cut into halves 去葉切半 – 1 cup
  • 8.5 ounces canned coconut cream (without water) 罐裝椰子忌廉 (水分不用) room temperature 室溫
  • 75 cashews 腰果 unsalted & soaked for 4-6 hours 浸泡4-6小時 1/2 cup
  • 108 powdered erythritol 赤蘚糖醇霜 1/2 杯
  • 2 湯匙 coconut oil 椰子油 melted 融化狀
  • Fresh strawberries 新鮮士多啤梨 for garnishing 用於裝飾


For tart crust 撻皮製作

  • In a small bowl mix ground flaxseed meal and water together to make a flaxseed egg. Let sit for about 15 minutes until it becomes a gel-like texture.
  • In a food processor blend walnuts and cashews until they turn into a thick meal. Stop the processor and add the flax egg, erythritol and coconut oil. Blend again to form a sticky dough. It should be sticky enough to be shaped into a crust.
  • Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).
    將烤箱預熱至180°C (350°F)。
  • Press the dough into a loose bottom 8-inch pie pan until it fits all corners of the pan. Shape it a little higher than the pie pan.
  • Prick the crust with a fork to prevent it from puffing up. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes, until golden brown. Cool it completely before adding filling.

For cream filling 忌廉餡料製作

  • 6. Remove only the coconut cream from the can. You may store the coconut water for a smoothie later.
  • Drain the soaked cashews and blend them with fresh strawberries in a food processor until the cashews become meal-like. Add the remaining ingredients to blend together until smooth. Pour the mixture into the cooled tart crust and refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours to set.

To Serve 食用

  • Put more coconut cream and fresh strawberries or fresh fruits on top of the set tart to serve!

Walnuts were chosen as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids among plant food, and they are the only tree nut with omega-3 fatty acids! Even so, you may still substitute with other nuts like almonds.
關鍵字 Dairy-free, Dessert, Gluten-free, Keto, Spring, Sugar-free, Tart, Vegan, 撻, 春季, 無糖, 無蛋奶, 無麩質, 甜品, 生酮, 純素

Nutrition Facts

Amount per serving (1 slice; Total serving: 8)
Calories 379kcal
Fat 35.5g
Protein 7g
Total Carbs 25g
Net Carbs 4g
Fiber 3g
Sugar 18g

Net carb count excludes fiber, erythritol, and allulose, as they do not affect blood sugar in most people. The numbers are calculated by ourselves manually and the information is just for your reference, so feel free to make your own calculations.


每食用分量 (1塊; 總分量: 8塊)
卡路里 379kcal
脂肪 35.5g
蛋白質 7g
總碳水化合物 25g
淨碳水化合物 4g
膳食纖維 3g
糖 18g
