
Look at the caramelised surface and creamy texture!

Caramelized top, jiggly centre, creamy and gooey texture – these have partly explained why I’m still baking Basque Burnt Cheesecake in 2021. And here comes the most exciting reason – this one is KETO and VEGAN-FRIENDLY! No gluten, no dairy, no egg, but it’s still mind-blowingly delicious and incredibly easy to make!

焦香的外層、流心半熟內層、細膩幼滑的口感 – 以上大致解釋了我到了2021年還在分享巴斯克焦香芝士蛋糕食譜的原因。而更重要的原因是,我這次分享的是生酮及純素版本! 它不含麩質、不含蛋奶,但仍然超級好吃,味道不輸原始版本,而且做法非常簡單!

Unlike ordinary cheesecakes, Basque Cheesecake may look a bit rustic with a dark burnt top and lumpy edges, and even without any decent topping. However, if you gave it a try, you would know the secret of how it grabbed the spotlight! Even two year after it got crowned the hottest dessert, we still can’t forget it and keep making different variations in flavors or ingredients. It might be the perfect example of ‘Simple is the best’!

巴斯克焦香芝士蛋糕外表可能不太討好,不但外層焗得焦黑,形狀凹凸不平,甚至沒有像普通芝士蛋糕一般加上吸引的水果作裝飾。不過,當你嚐過後,你就會知道它俘虜人心的原因了! 即使在被封年度甜點兩年後,大家都依然未忘記它,繼續在口味上和用料上尋找更多變化。可能大家都喜歡樸實簡單吧!

Highlights of this Basque Cheesecake Recipe

・Mixing all ingredients at a time in a blender with no fuss
・Using no flour making it a great dessert for keto, paleo and gluten-free diets
・Using no dairy and egg meaning it’s a perfect dessert for vegan and people with dairy-allergy
・Baking a caramelized top without adding sugar.
・Messing it up is impossible because it meant to be burnt! 
・Simply delicious!


  • 輕鬆用攪拌機一次過混合所有材料
  • 無麵粉,適合執行生酮、Paleo和無麩質飲食人士的絕佳甜品
  • 無奶蛋,適合素食人士及對奶類製品過敏人士的完美甜品
  • 充滿焦糖香但無添加糖分
  • 超低失敗率 – 本來就是要焗燶才對!
  • 超級無敵好吃!

What are used in ordinary Basque Burnt Cheesecake?
Basque Burnt Cheesecake was invented by chef Santiago Rivera of a restaurant called La Viña in San Sebastian, Spain. His original recipe called for only 5 ingredients – cream cheese, heavy cream, sugar, eggs and flour. Ironically, we’re not using any of the ingredients to create this Basque Cheesecake. Interesting huh?

巴斯克焦香芝士蛋糕是由一位名為聖地牙哥・李維拉的餐廳大廚發明的,他的餐廳La Viña位於西班牙聖塞巴斯提安。他的食譜只有5種材料 – 忌廉芝士、鮮忌廉、糖、雞蛋和麵粉。意外地,我們這個巴斯克焦香芝士蛋糕的食譜一種以上的材料也沒有用到,不知道李維拉先生會不會不高興呢?

Clean the knife between each slice for a nice slice

How to serve the cheesecake?
I recommend chilling the cheesecake overnight. You may serve it cold for a firm and creamy texture, or bring it to room temperature for about 30 minutes for a soft and gooey texture.

Serve when it’s still slightly warm after coming out of the oven would also be a delicious idea, but it might be a little runny in the centre.

To slice the cheesecake, prepare a sharp knife and a pot of boiling water. Heat the knife with the hot water and clean with kitchen towel between each slice for nice and clean slices.




Substitutions & Tips 

If you are following a keto diet and do not have glucomannan on hand, you may substitute it with the same amount of psyllium husk powder, but it may make the texture less smooth; If you are not following a keto diet, you can use twice as much glucomannan as cornstarch or arrowroot starch for substitution.

Coconut cream may condense while blending with other ingredients, due to the low temperature. Heat everything in a pot over low heat to melt and let the batter cool to room temperature before baking.





Caramelized top, jiggly centre, creamy and gooey texture – these have partly explained why I’m still baking Basque Burnt Cheesecake in 2021. And here comes the most exciting reason – this one is KETO and VEGAN-FRIENDLY! No gluten, no dairy, no egg, but it’s still mind-blowingly delicious and incredibly easy to make!
焦香的外層、流心半熟內層、細膩幼滑的口感 – 以上大致解釋了部分我到了2021年還在分享巴斯克焦香芝士蛋糕食譜的原因。而更重要的原因是,我這次分享的是生酮及純素版本! 它不含麩質、不含蛋奶,但仍然超級好吃,味道不輸原始版本,而且做法非常簡單!
準備時間 15 minutes
烹調時間 30 minutes
總時間 45 minutes
菜品 甜品
菜式 Spanish
份量 8


  • 320 canned coconut cream 罐裝椰子忌廉 without water, room temperature 水分不用, 室溫
  • 150 raw cashews 生腰果
  • 226 vegan cream cheese 純素忌廉芝士 room temperature 室溫
  • 1 湯匙 glucomannan powder 葡甘露聚醣粉 bought on iHerb 在iHerb可買到
  • 1 茶匙 vanilla extract 雲尼拿精油
  • 2 湯匙 lemon juice 檸檬汁
  • 1/8 茶匙 sea salt 海鹽 非必須


  • Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C). Line a 7-inch round cake pan roughly with a large sheet of parchment paper leaving at least 2 inches (5 cm) of overhang around all edges. If the pan has a removable bottom, you can use the bottom to press and shape the paper into the pan. Reattach the bottom to the pan again after that and place the paper on top.
    焗爐預熱至230°C (450°F)。在7寸圓形蛋糕模上隨意地舖上牛油紙(烘焙紙),注意在所有邊緣留有高出模具約兩寸 (5cm) 的空間。如果用活底模具,可以用脫出的圓型底部將牛油壓進模具,然後將底部重新裝回,把牛油紙置於上面。
  • Remove only the coconut cream from the can. The water is not needed in this recipe.
  • In a food processor blend all ingredients until smooth and cashews are not visible. Pour the batter into the lined cake pan. Drop the pan several times on the counterpart to remove air bubbles.
  • Bake for 22 to 25 minutes, until the top of the cheesecake turns brown and a bit burnt.
  • Let the cake cool completely on a wire rack. Place it in the refrigerator overnight before serving.
關鍵字 Cake, Dairy-free, Dessert, easy, Gluten-free, Keto, Low-carb, Paleo, Sugar-free, Vegan, 無糖, 無蛋奶, 無麩質, 甜品, 生酮, 簡易, 純素, 蛋糕