Gluten-free Vegan Kimchi Pancakes 無麩質純素泡菜煎餅


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Kimchi is one of my most frequently used ingredients recently, due to my cravings for hot and savory food during these colder days. As I cannot eat very spicy food, I made pancakes with Kimchi to make it less spicy and flavorful. They satisfied my cravings and kept me warm! Whoever invented Kimchi is a genius!

Kimchi pancake is a Korean savory dish called Kimchi Jeon 김치전, which is made with eggs and wheat flour. I tried making a gluten-free and vegan version by adapting my own sweet pancake recipe. Sorghum flour, a naturally gluten-free, whole-grain healthier flour was picked for this recipe, and it has mild wheat-like texture and flavor. I did not include eggs in this recipe as well, instead I added tapioca flour to give a chewy texture, so whether you eat on a gluten-free or vegan diet, you can treat yourselves this tasty stack!


在網上看到原始的韓式泡菜煎餅(Kimchi Jeon 김치전)主要是用雞蛋及麵粉製作。我將自己測試了很多次的無麩質純素鬆餅食譜改良成這個食譜,其中選用了天然無麩質的高粱粉,因為它是全穀粉,比較健康,而且有淡淡的近似小麥的味道。這個食譜沒有加入雞蛋,但加入少許同樣是天然無麩質木薯粉,令它口感更有彈性。有麩質敏感或素食的朋友也可以品嘗到這道美味的「鹹點」!


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This pancake is simple to make and the ingredients are so easy to get. It is a great lunch or dinner idea on any days but not limited to winter time! The recipe is for two people. Feel free to double or triple it for your family or gathering! The brand of Kimchi that I chose is a bit sweet and less spicy. You can choose a spicier brand or add red and green chili if you prefer!
準備時間 20 minutes
烹調時間 25 minutes
總時間 45 minutes
菜品 Breakfast, Main Course, Snack
菜式 Korean
份量 13


  • Frying pan 平底鍋


Dry ingredients 乾性材料

  • 120 sorghum flour 高粱粉 Bob’s Red Mill
  • 60 gluten-free 1-to-1 baking flour 無麩質1比1烘焙粉 Bob’s Red Mill
  • 3 湯匙 tapioca flour 木薯粉 Bob’s Red Mill
  • 2 湯匙 baking powder 泡打粉
  • 1 茶匙 garlic powder 蒜粉
  • 1/4 茶匙 sea salt 海鹽
  • 1/4 茶匙 ground black pepper 黑椒粉


  • 240 silken tofu*Note1 滑豆腐*註1 drained 倒掉多餘水分
  • 160 ml water*Note1 水*註1
  • 3 湯匙 kimchi juice 泡菜汁
  • 1 湯匙 coconut oil 椰子油 or other cooking oil 或其他植物油


  • 280 kimchi*Note 2 泡菜*註2 cut into small pieces 剪成小塊
  • 1/4 onion 洋蔥 around 65 grams finely chopped 約65克 切碎
  • 1 scallion 青蔥 around 10 grams for garnishing 約10克 裝飾用
  • cooking oil spray 煮食油噴霧


  • 在大型攪拌碗中,將所有乾性材料拌勻。
  • In a separate large mixing bowl mash tofu with a potato masher (you may use a food processor to blend all wet ingredients), then add all other wet ingredients and mix to combine.
  • Add wet mixture to the dry ingredients and mix until no lumps. Add kimchi & onions into the batter and stir to combine.
  • Spray or grease a pan with oil. Heat the pan over medium-low heat. Measure the batter for each pancake with a 1/4 US cup. Pan-fry pancakes until bubbles pop and the edges of pancakes become solid and not sticky, then flip carefully and put a lid on to cook for about 2 to 3 minutes, until golden brown. Repeat this step until all batter is used. You may pan-fry more than one pancake at a time, depending on the size of your pan.
    用煮食油噴霧噴在平底鍋上 (或用廚房紙將油均勻塗抹)。開中小火將鍋加熱。用1/4杯(美式)量度一塊煎餅用的粉漿,倒到鍋上並用木或膠鑊鏟調整形狀。當煎餅表面出現滾起的泡泡,且邊緣位置呈熟而不黏鑊鏟的狀態,便可以慢慢用鑊鏟剷起煎餅,翻面。然後蓋上鍋蓋續煎約2至3分鐘,直至表面呈金黃色。重覆此步驟直至所有粉漿用完,你亦可以一次煎數塊,視乎你鍋具大小而定。

1. You may substitute 350ml unsweetened soy milk for silken tofu and water.
2. Read the packaging of the kimchi  to see if it is gluten-free and vegan.
1. 可用350克無糖豆漿取代滑豆腐及水
2. 留意你購買的泡菜是否不含麩質及不含動物性成份
關鍵字 Dairy-free, Dinner idea, Gluten-free, Kimchi, Lunch idea, Pancake, Savory, Vegan, Vegetarian, Winter, 泡菜, 無蛋奶, 無麩質, 純素, 鬆餅