HK x Viet-style Rice Paper Spring Rolls 炸米紙春卷

Veggie spring rolls! Look at the filling!

Use Vietnamese rice paper to make Cantonese style spring rolls gluten-free and fill them with veggies! Yes, I’m talking about those crispy and crunchy fried spring rolls. Can you hear the crackling sound?

These homemade spring rolls are great appetizers for any kind of gathering. Feel free to make them as your weekend treats too!

I love spring rolls as much as I love potstickers or dumplings. When I got the right recipe for gluten-free dumpling wrappers, I was already thinking of a way to adapt it to a spring roll wrapper recipe, but that’d be much more difficult than the former one. Wrappers for spring rolls must be thin enough but shouldn’t be easy to break, as we don’t want oil getting into the filling during deep-frying. Turned out, one day, while I was making gỏi cuốn, rice paper summer rolls for my lunch, an idea flashed into my mind – why don’t I use rice paper?

Rice paper is gluten-free, thin and FLEXIBLE! Such an ideal wrapper for spring rolls!

用越南米紙來做無麩質的港式春卷,再包入滿滿的蔬菜! 又香又脆的炸春卷,你聽見那咔吱咔吱的聲音嗎?


我喜歡春卷的程度不亞於喜歡鍋貼或餃子。 當我終於能調制出無麩質餃子皮的配方時,我已經在想如何將它調整為製作春卷皮的方法。我深知這一定會比餃子皮困難超多,因為春卷皮必須夠薄,但包餡的時候又不能輕易破裂,不然在油炸時油就會漏進餡料中。 結果,某一天,當我在製作米紙卷做午餐時,就靈光一閃-為什麼我不使用米紙做春卷呢?

米紙既無麩質,而且薄而有彈性! 是非常理想的春卷皮!

Those crispy spring rolls!


There are many more types of spring rolls over the world than you’ve imagined – Cheun Gyun 春卷 in Hong Kong, Popiah 潤餅 in Taiwan/Malaysia/Singapore, Chả Giò in Vietnam, Gimmari 김말이 튀김 in Korea, Lumpia in Indonesia/the Philippines, Chūn Juǎn 春卷 in Shanghai, etc. I can’t name them all, though I want to have all of them!

The type I made is Hong Kong-style mixed with Vietnamese style. As I’ve mentioned, Vietnamese rice paper is used instead of spring roll wrappers made with all-purpose flour for a gluten-free version, but the fillings are still more Hong Kong-style, including pan-fried tofu, sautéed veggies, shiitake mushrooms, rice vermicelli and so on. In Hong Kong, people serve spring rolls with a wide variety of dipping sauces, but the most typical one is still Worcestershire sauce, so a homemade sauce resembling the taste of Worcestershire sauce will be included in this recipe.



這個春卷食譜是香港風格混合越南風格的。 正如我在上面提到,我用越南米紙取代了用麵粉製成的春卷皮來製成無麩質春卷,但餡料仍然是比較港式的,包括有煎豆腐,炒蔬菜、冬菇、 粉絲等。 在香港,用來蘸春卷的醬汁有很多,但最典型的仍然是喼汁(伍斯特醬),所以這個食譜中也有仿喼汁味道的自製醬汁。

Do you want to try those spring rolls?


Parents used to go to dim sum houses with my grandma during the weekend when we were children. No kid was allowed to run around as there were ladies pushing dim-sum carts walking around the crowded restaurant. The happiest thing was that we were given some money to buy a magazine to read quietly while the adults were chattering about this and that. 

We were not that keen on eating dim sum. We didn’t look away from our magazine unless our parents asked us to eat something. Spring rolls were one of the few dim sum that could take our glaze away from what we were reading. Picked up a dish from the cart, cut the rolls into half, drizzled the rolls with sauce, chopped a stamp on the ‘dim-sum card’ (bill card) – we watched the lady doing these skillfully, while holding our chopsticks. We love the crispy wrappers, the crunchy fillings and the crackling sound. I guess many Hong Kong kids still remember all these, right?


我們小時候,爸爸媽媽周末會陪嫲嫲去「飲茶」。 小朋友不能在茶樓跑來跑去,因為點心姐姐推著(載著很多熱騰騰食物的)點心車在擁擠的茶樓裡穿梭往來。幸好,爸媽通常會給我們一點零錢買自己喜歡的雜誌,讓我們不至於沒事可做。可以邊聽著大人們閑話家常,邊津津有味地翻閱刊物。

我們小時候並不熱衷於點心。 除非爸媽叫我們吃東西,否則我們不會把視線從雜誌上移開,春卷是少數的點心能吸引我們的目光。 從點心車中取出碟子,將春卷剪開一半,把醬汁淋到春卷上,最後在「點心卡」上蓋上印章-我們邊拿好筷子,邊看著點心姐姐熟練地完成這一連串動作。 我們喜歡它的脆皮,脆卜卜的餡料和咔吱咔吱的聲音。 我想很多香港朋友還記得小時候這些點點滴滴,是嗎?


The major difference will definitely be the wrappers. For Hong kong-style, the wrappers are pieces of thin and rectangular pastry made with all-purpose flour. And as most of us know, rice paper made with white rice flour (or some may add tapioca flour) is used for Vietnamese-style. While we’re using rice paper for a gluten-free substitution, we won’t include this point below.

港式 VS. 越式

港式跟越式最主要的區別肯定是外皮。 港式用的外皮是用麵粉製成,薄而呈長方形。 而越式的外皮大家應該也知道,是用粘米粉製成的米紙 (有些也可能添加木薯粉)。 由於我們這次用越式米紙作為無麩質的代替品製作港式春卷,因此以下將不會包括這一點。

Filling for the spring rolls


As we can tell from the name, spring rolls – cheun gyun 春卷 for Hong Kong-style and chả giò for Vietnamese style, are filled with fresh and seasonal spring vegetables – carrots, cabbages and other veggies. 

Wood ear mushrooms are often seen in both types, while for Hong Kong-style, another kind of fungus – shiitake mushrooms, which can always find their role in Cantonese dishes, are also filled in the rolls. There are more veggie fillings such as bean sprouts and bamboo shoots that can be found in cheun gyun

Here comes the major difference – herb is the key for chả giò. Like Vietnamese rice paper rolls, the summer roll gỏi cuốn, fresh herbs namely Vietnamese basil, coriander, mints are added to chả giò to enrich the flavors and freshness. Meanwhile, the only herb in cheun gyun is chive sprouts, but it’s not a key ingredient and may sometimes be omitted.

Fillings for cheun gyun are cooked before frying whereas stuffings for chả giò are raw. Both styles are originally non-vegan and pork is typically part of the filling. For cheun gyun, we slice the pork to cook with other veggies before wrapping; for chả giò, pork is grounded and combined with other raw ingredients in a large bowl for wrapping.

1. 春卷餡料



這點是兩者最主要的區別-越式非常著重香草的運用。像越南夏卷/米紙卷 (gỏi cuốn)一樣,越式春卷 (chả giò)必定會加入新鮮的香草,例如是越南羅勒、芫茜及薄荷葉,以增加風味和鮮味。在港式春卷中唯一會加入的香草是韮黃,但它沒有擔當很重要的角色,有時甚至被省略。


Worcestershire sauce is great but I love serving spring rolls with chilli oil too!


‘Do you need Worcestershire sauce (喼汁 gip zap)?’ When we order cheun gyun in dim sum houses, the dim sum lady would ask this question and the answer is always ‘Yes, please!’ Worcestershire sauce is a sour savory sauce with subtle sweetness and spiciness. A great sauce to cut through the richness of deep-fried goodies. Sadly we’re not using Worcestershire sauce for this recipe as neither is it gluten-free nor vegan, but no worries, a simple homemade sauce imitating the taste will be created here.

Just like other deep-fried goodies, people have their own preference when it comes to dipping sauce for cheun gyun. Some people love serving with plain soy sauce, chilli oil, vinegar, plum sauce, or even mayonnaise. 

People serve chả giò with different sauces in different parts of Vietnam. I’m not going to explain deeply about them but there are mainly 3 sauces – nước chắm (typical sauce made with fish sauce, lime juice and chilli), nước lèo (peanut sauce), tương xào (tastes like hoisin sauce). Emphasizing the freshness, I know people in Vietnam love wrapping the chả giò with a piece of fresh lettuce before dipping it into the flavorful sauce. 

2. 春卷醬汁



在越南不同的地區會使用不同的春卷醬汁。我在這裡不仔細討論 (因為我不是這方面的專家),但是它們主要有3種醬料-nước chắm (用魚露、青檸汁和辣椒製成的最典型醬料)、nước lèo (花生醬)和tương xào (類似海鮮醬的味道)。越式春卷強調鮮味和清爽感,我知道越南朋友更會用新鮮的生菜片包著春卷,再將其蘸醬汁吃。

I used a small pot for frying spring rolls.


Choose oil that is suitable for deep-frying, which has a higher smoke point than the desired cooking temperature, such as peanut oil, sunflower seed oil or refined coconut oil.

Make sure you have sealed the spring rolls tightly so that the oil will not get into the rolls when deep-frying. That would ruin the rolls!

When deep-frying, fill a small pot with oil deep enough to cover the spring rolls. Heat the oil over medium heat until it reaches 320°F (160°C). Try to maintain the oil temperature at 320°F but not getting too high in the whole process. High temperature will make ‘big bubbles’ on the surface of the rolls.



確保外皮已封好沒有破裂,以免油炸時油漏進卷內, 破壞了春卷!

油炸時,將油倒入一個小而又深的鍋中,並加入不超過鍋一半高度的油,但深度需蓋過春卷。 用中火加熱油,直至達到160°C (320°F)。盡量將油溫保持在160°C,在整個油炸過程中油溫不能過高, 否則高溫會令米紙春卷表面形成「大氣泡」。

The spring rolls should look like this without ‘big bubbles’.


You can keep the uncooked spring rolls in an airtight container in the freezer overnight and fry them on the next day.

If you can’t finish the fried spring rolls (how can that be possible?), store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Fried them again when you want or baked them in a preheated oven at 350°F (180°C) for 10 minutes.



如果你吃不完已炸過的春捲(怎麼可能?),可將它們放在密封容器中存放於雪櫃最多24小時。 吃的時候再次將其油炸,或在已預熱180°C (350°F)的焗爐中焗10分鐘。


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HK x Viet-style Rice Paper Spring Rolls 炸米紙春卷

Use Vietnamese rice paper to make Cantonese style spring rolls gluten-free and fill them with veggies! Yes, I’m talking about those crispy and crunchy fried spring rolls. Can you hear the crackling sound?
用越南米紙來做無麩質的港式春卷,再包入滿滿的蔬菜! 又香又脆的炸春卷,你聽見那咔吱咔吱的聲音嗎?
準備時間 45 minutes
烹調時間 10 minutes
總時間 55 minutes
菜品 Appetizer, Side Dish, Snack
菜式 Asian, Cantonese, Chinese, Hong Kong, Vietnamese
份量 12 rolls


  • Small pot for frying 油炸用鍋


For Spring Rolls 春卷及餡料

  • 12 6-inch round rice paper 6寸圓形米紙
  • 150 extra firm tofu 板豆腐 drained & cut into strips 濾掉水分及切成條狀
  • 110 carrots/bamboo shoots 甘筍/春筍 shredded 切絲 – 1 cup
  • 21 dried wood ear mushrooms 乾黑木耳 soaked & sliced 浸軟及切絲 – 3/4 cup
  • 140 cabbage 椰菜 shredded 切絲 – 2 cups
  • 140 purple cabbage 紫椰菜 shredded 切絲 – 2 cups
  • 1/4 茶匙 sea salt 海鹽
  • 125 fresh shiitake mushrooms 鮮冬菇 sliced 切條 – 1 cup
  • 1 bunch glass noodles 粉絲 soaked & cut into portions 浸軟及切段
  • 120 毫升 water 清水 1/2 杯
  • 2 湯匙 tamari 無麩豉油
  • 1/2 茶匙 ground white pepper 白胡椒粉
  • 1/4 茶匙 five spices powder 五香粉
  • 1 茶匙 cornstarch 鷹粟粉
  • 1 湯匙 water 清水
  • 1 茶匙 sesame oil 麻油
  • cooking oil 煮食油 for cooking & deep-frying 炒及炸用

For Dipping Sauce 蘸汁

  • 1 湯匙 tamari 無麩豉油
  • 2 湯匙 rice vinegar 米醋
  • 1 garlic 蒜頭 切片
  • 2 thumb-sized ginger 姆指大小薑片


餡料製作 餡料

  • In a bowl soak dried wood ear mushrooms for 30 minutes until soft. Slice it afterwards. In another bowl soak rice vermicelli glass noodles for 15 minutes until soft. Cut them shorter into several portions.
  • In a frying pan heat 1/2 tablespoon oil over medium heat, pan-fry tofu until all sides are golden brown. Transfer them into a bowl and set aside. In the same pan add another 1/2 tablespoon oil, add carrots, wood ear mushrooms, cabbage and purple cabbage to fry until a bit brown and start to soften, then season them with sea salt. Transfer them into a bowl and set aside. Heat 1 more teaspoon oil and add shiitake mushrooms to sauté until fragrant, then add rice vermicelli/glass noodles and pour 1/2 cup water into the pan. Simmer for about a minute until the noodles have absorbed the water and become soft but still chewy.
  • Add tofu, carrots, black fungus, cabbage and purple cabbage back to the pan to roughly stir-fry them. Stir in tamari, season with ground white pepper and five spices powder. Taste and adjust the flavors if necessary. In a small bowl mix cornstarch and 1 tablespoon water together, then stir in for thickening and turn off the heat. Finally stir in sesame oil.

Assembling the Rolls 包餡

  • Prepare a dish/pan that can fit your rice paper and pour warm water into it. Dip each rice paper into warm water when you use it for about 15 to 20 seconds or time suggested on the packaging. The rice paper should become a bit soft but still elastic, then remove it from water and place it onto a non-stick working surface.
  • Place filling onto about 1 inch to 1.5 inch from the bottom of the rice paper. Fold the left and right edges of the paper in, then gently pull up the bottom of the paper to cover the filling. Use your finger to press the filling firmly and roll up to cover the filling. Keep rolling until the roll seals itself.

Frying the Rolls 炸春卷

  • Prepare oil in a deep pot and fill it no more than half full, deep enough to cover the rice spring rolls. Heat the oil over medium-low heat until it reaches around 320°F (160°C). Make sure your rice spring rolls are dry to prevent violent oil splattering. Put 2 to 3 rolls into the oil at one time and be careful of sticking together. Fry for about 30 seconds until the down side of the rolls turns golden brown, then flip to another side to fry for around 20 seconds more, until golden brown. Drain the rolls on paper towels to absorb excess oil. You may also choose to pan-fry the rolls. Just heat a tablespoon oil in a pan and pan-fry them until golden brown.
    在一個小而深的鍋中備好油,油的高度不應超過鍋高度的一半,但深度需足以蓋過春卷。用中火加熱油,直至油溫達到160°C (320°F)。必須確保米紙春卷表面乾燥,以防止濺油! 一次將兩至三條春卷放入油中,要小心不要讓它們黏在一起。炸約30秒,直至一面呈金黃色,然後翻到另一面再煎約20秒,也是炸至金黃色,將炸好的春卷放於廚房紙上瀝乾及吸去多餘油分。你也可以選擇將春卷香煎,只需在鍋中加熱一湯匙油,然後煎至兩面呈金黃色即可。

For Dipping Sauce 蘸汁

  • In a saucepan add all dipping sauce ingredients. Heat over low heat and bring to a boil.
關鍵字 Appetizer, Gluten-free, Savory, Snack, Vegan, 無麩質, 純素